Sunday, October 3, 2010

OCTOBER 2010 NEWSLETTER - Are You Ready?

Dear Talented Subscribers,

A young talent dropped into class the other night with extreme panic in his eyes. He said, "I have an audition for a really big movie, can you help me?!" Well, my first response was, "This is exactly what happens when you're not in class. Opportunities come out of no where." Seriously guys, I must get at the very least 3 phone calls a week from panic stricken actors freaking out about a huge audition. Not being ready when an opportunity arises is the worst thing that can happen to a talent.  Do you really think that a CD or Producer won't know that you're weak? Don't you realize that this is a competition? You are up against actors who have been working out and who are at the top of their game. That excuse,  "I never go out. Why should I spend the time or money?" Well, that's stinkin' thinkin' folks. Do you mean to tell me that your rep is the only way for you to obtain an opportunity? What about, you're an actor, be ready for where ever an opportunity comes. Just because you know how to act doesn't mean you know how to book. The way you book a job is NEVER how you shoot the job.

Don't practice your auditions at an audition. It needs to feel like you're ready to shoot the damn thing. All you need is one really great ground breaking job for the industry to take notice. It is not going to happen on your schedule. Start reading how the stars got their break. It's usually when they're packed up and heading back home.  I am positive that if they were to do it all over again they would tell you that they let too many opportunities pass them by and would have made it sooner if they were just ready. 

Amy Lyndon
The Lyndon Technique

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