Tuesday, June 1, 2010

NEWSLETTER - June 2010 - "I Am You"

I don't know if you know this, but I have been out here for close to 27 years, been an actress since I was 10, previously owned a management company under an assumed name originally established to get work (soon negotiating big contracts for my amazing actors) for 9 years, created The 15 Guideline Technique to Booking over 20 years ago, directed and produced Award-Winning shorts, have over 40+ Features to my name and 25+ Television shows - getting ready to shoot another Feature Film next week.... Why do I tell you this? Because you can do it all too!

Find the peace in the joy of creating. You're an artist. Create. Don't give up on what you truly want to do, but you also don't need to be miserable in the process. You might find out that you love to do other things just as much as you love to act. I seriously didn't know that I was a booking coach until I coached my friend's daughter and she booked this huge movie. I soon discovered that I loved it in a different way than I love to act, but just the same, I loved it!

If you're in a straight job that's causing you grief, find a job in the entertainment business to bring you new information, meet new friends, and stretch other areas of your creative self. Trust me, it all works together! I'm not saying take your eye off the prize. I'm saying that sometimes the prize comes in different packages. Recognize joy in each of those packages and hold onto it.

Everyone's journey is different. If I could tell you the exact way to making it in this business, I would be on my yacht in the Bahamas. I do know this, have a plan. Work your plan, but be open to new ideas and ways of getting what you want. Believe me, I know the struggle and juggle! I'm out there in the audition rooms with you! Literally! I am you. I understand.


Amy Lyndon
