Sunday, August 1, 2010

NEWSLETTER - August 2010 - "Are You On The Periphery"

Book SigningDo you constantly complain that your representatives don't do spit? Do you look at some of your friends and are envious of their good fortune? Are you on the sidelines looking in?

Not a day goes by where I don't hear how frustrated someone is with their career. I always seem to be giving the same response, "Do you have everything in order? Are your pictures updated? Do you have a demo reel up on breakdowns? Is your resume properly formatted? Do you have a comprehensive package? Are you an "A" talent with a "C" package? Are you actively submitting to all the websites? Are you in touch with your representatives? Is your "day job" taking up all your time? Are you working at least 5 hours a day on your career?"  If you said "No" to any of these questions, then you have to reevaluate whether or not you're actually in the game. Your job is to be in the game.

A student came to me frustrated because he didn't sign with anyone. I said, "How many photos did you send out?" He said, "Uh... I don't know... about 25." I said, "You need to send out 300!" Guys, you need to RUN A BUSINESS! Are you attending the appropriate CD workshops for your type? Are you getting all 5's? Do you know how to book? You can be the greatest actor in the world, but if you don't know how to book, then you're not going to work.

I know that this feels like a harsh reality, but it is THE REALITY. Get out there and make it happen for yourself. If you want it more than life itself, then you've got to work it like there's no tomorrow.

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