Friday, July 2, 2010

NEWSLETTER - July 2010 - "Did You Catch The Catch Phrases"

Dear Fabulous People,
I'd like to take a moment to thank those of you who voted for me for The Backstage Readers Choice Award 2010! As the newest kid on the block, I was thrilled to be amongst such esteemed colleagues. I was stoked to be runner up and happy to be recognized as the only one who continues to be out there in the trenches with my students. With that said, I thought that this newsletter should be filled with some catch phrases that I use on a daily basis. This is the first time that I have shared any of them publicly. Trust me, it's only the tip of the iceberg.

* The way you book a job isn't necessarily how you're going to shoot the job.

* If you don't understand the material, you cannot be in the material.

* You can do all the homework in the world, but if you don't relate on a deep personal level, the character will never come alive.

* Be clear on the tone and style of the script. You don't want to give a "Modern Family" read for a "True Blood" copy.
* If you want to be on television, you have to watch television.

* Know what you are doing, not how you're going to do it.

* If you don't pick up your cues in a comedy, then you'll most certainly be in a soap opera.

* You don't need back story because chances are, they already shot it. Look at each scene as a frame.

* All the clues to your character is in the other characters dialogue.

* If you only read your dialogue, then you only have a 50% understanding of the story.

* Don't cast your role in the waiting room.

Amy Lyndon
CEO - The Lyndon Technique